Re-Stylise Your Profile With CSS.

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HomeHome said

a long time ago | Post #61
Hm. It worked, but unfortunately it made all of the boxes on the page disappear.
Post #62 deleted

HomeHome said

a long time ago | Post #63
Cool, that seemed to work! :D

SeraSera said

a long time ago | Post #64
I love you <3

HomeHome said

a long time ago | Post #65

AmiAthenaAmiAthena said

a long time ago | Post #66 | in reply to #64
I love you!!

HomeHome said

a long time ago | Post #67
Post #68 deleted

HomeHome said

a long time ago | Post #69
Post #70 deleted

Inferno EmporerInferno Emporer said

a long time ago | Post #71
This is staying on the first page!

Inferno EmporerInferno Emporer said

a long time ago | Post #72
Can someone give me an example of CSS for the boxes I am a little confused.

SipsoxardSipsoxard said

a long time ago | Post #73 | in reply to #72
Are you trying to say "borders" or "boxes"?

If you want to make boxes, there are a lot of tutorials. "Long" tutorials.
Last edited a long time ago

TobyToby said

a long time ago | Post #74
Will do anything above for you without any coding knowledge required!
The correct people are credited where required.

Dry BowserDry Bowser said

a long time ago | Post #75
Thanks Toby!!!!
I will make neww CSS!

Inferno EmporerInferno Emporer said

a long time ago | Post #76
You are 2 good Toby My request for my CSS are fulfilled!

blakeg14 said

a long time ago | Post #77
Thanks Toby! :D

Inferno EmporerInferno Emporer said

a long time ago | Post #78
Dam...nonoba symbol disapeared again...

TobyToby said

a long time ago | Post #79
Is it the same animated one?

Inferno EmporerInferno Emporer said

a long time ago | Post #80
Ya... who downed it...
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