Nonoba still crashed/not working well..? *Please Fix*

Lord XLord X (online) said

2 days ago | Post #1
2/1/2010 Is Nonoba Crashed? , Whats Going on... :O? , Please SomeOne Fix This....
My Play Bar , Friends Online Lists..My PlayBar Doesnot Appear when I'm in the page which is my home & The friends online doesnot show .
My Text Comments , BackGround..My BackGround or anyone elses doesnot appear.
Chat Rooms!!!All Chat Rooms Empty , & also the multiplayer games are empty..
Last edited 2 days ago

Lord XLord X (online) said

2 days ago | Post #2
Bump. I Need help.. you can check my profile to belive me I dunno If that happens with all but every thing is messed with me plue i tryed making new account and entered the chatrooms succefully and saw everyone -.- so now my account glitched?
I Dunno I Just Need someone to help me with this...
Last edited 2 days ago

Metaloid said

2 days ago | Post #3
i have this problem soon to sent chris a message and hopefully he or someone else will fix it.
just relax and dont start more forum threads :L

kittyent68kittyent68 said

2 days ago | Post #4
It might be your web browser because I'm fine

Metaloid said

2 days ago | Post #5 | in reply to #4
no no its happend before to other users. In the affected account:your profile is all screwy especially the player bar, and when you enter the chats they are all empty :P

kittyent68kittyent68 said

2 days ago | Post #6 | in reply to #5
It happened to different browsers at different times

BunnyboiIerBunnyboiIer said

yesterday | Post #7
Mine's fine.

TifennieTifennie said

yesterday | Post #8 | in reply to #2
dont worry.. it'll get fixed. trust mee.. :3

WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #9
They are taking too long...

mintmojitolovermintmojitolover said

yesterday | Post #10

mine was alot better >.> XD

can u atleast paste a report juicer =o (metaloid)

nikkunikku said

yesterday | Post #11
so THATS the problem its saying connection interrupted for a long time

LpaLpa said

yesterday | Post #12
If you wanna chat to all your friends, I have a Gamerise site that you can chat on!

jordie1995jordie1995 said

yesterday | Post #13
Oh no :O

You have what I call:


This happened to me a few months ago, and it really messes up everything you try to do on the site,various suggestions for help included:

1. Clear cache and cookies

2. Log in and out again

3. Check that there are no people on your friends list the have deleted their account.

or just wait, it will probably sort itself out (it did for me).

jordie1995jordie1995 said

yesterday | Post #14
Oh, on second thoughts,your profile-based problems are your fault :P

Your CSS is making the comments white with this line:

.comment P {
font-family:Times New Roman;

I suggest changing the font colour to a visible one :P

and I see that you have used Toby's CSS generator for the background, which can be a bit temperamental at times. The following is about as basic as you can get, when it comes to putting on a background, if it doesn't work, then yes, your profile does have problems...

.maincontent {background:url(URL HERE)!important;}

Perhaps keep us all informed as to what happens Lord X?

Metaloid said

yesterday | Post #15 | in reply to #14
since that has happend to you before what exactly went wrong ?


WindColorsWindColors said

yesterday | Post #16
Oh! I'm so excited! It's my daddy talking in here! ;) ^

Lord XLord X (online) said

yesterday | Post #17 | in reply to #14
Its not my fault :P I had a background and everything was ok then suddenly tht all happened.
So the white text used to appear my bad I wrote it was invisable but when my background disappeared it became white as my text colour..
And I have 2 friends that their profiles are deleted but I dont see the problem in that :S

mintmojitolovermintmojitolover said

yesterday | Post #18
around 8:00 am ET

it came back i guess ^, thx for all the help mods

Lord XLord X (online) said

yesterday | Post #19 | in reply to #18
The ChatRooms came back , but the players profiles/Account that got the bugs is still as it is.. :(
But thanx for fixing the ChatRooms tho mods,admins :)

Lord XLord X (online) said

3 hours ago | Post #20
My Profile/Account has been Fixed WOOOTS
Many thanks for who fixed the bugs :)

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