Shadow Spectrum Army (SSA)

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demonic780demonic780 said

3 months ago | Post #121
^that's true
Last edited 2 months ago

zombiemurder101zombiemurder101 said

3 months ago | Post #122

becool77becool77 said

3 months ago | Post #123
woah strong can sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

becool77becool77 said

3 months ago | Post #124
woah strong can sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Killa MastaKilla Masta said

2 months ago | Post #125
hey can i join ur clan?? =)

Killa MastaKilla Masta said

2 months ago | Post #126
hey can i join ur clan?? =)

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

2 months ago | Post #127
For all those who want to join, find demonic781 on a game, so he can add you to clan.
He's banned so he can't do anything outside of the game.

Demonic781Demonic781 said

2 months ago | Post #128
all excepted

JannePalJannePal said

2 months ago | Post #129
demonic put me in DIGAMMA FORCE!

NETSKYvirusNETSKYvirus said

2 months ago | Post #130
Hello =P
Again =P

There is not many clans, and the clans are going to fail slowly...

NETSKYvirusNETSKYvirus said

2 months ago | Post #131
Hello =P
Again =P

There is not many clans, and the clans are going to fail slowly...

Sergeant_JezzaSergeant_Jezza said

2 months ago | Post #132
Can I join pls?

Demonic781Demonic781 said

2 months ago | Post #133 | in reply to #132
yes you can

Killa MastaKilla Masta said

2 months ago | Post #134
thanks so when?? =)

Sergeant_JezzaSergeant_Jezza said

2 months ago | Post #135 | in reply to #133
Thanks I'm a lvl 103 in the game

kaenonkaenon said

7 weeks ago | Post #136
can i be on the list?

ive been on shadow spectrum since about 2 weeks after it was made and im almost lvl 174.

kaenonkaenon said

7 weeks ago | Post #137
and my profile is lvl 6
Post #138 deleted
Post #139 deleted

kaenonkaenon said

10 hours ago | Post #140
hey just to let ya know i had to quit SSA so i could help my friends clan, but im gonna join back up with u guys now since ive helped em enough so if u happen to run into me could u invite me back into SSA? thx
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