Four Player Tournament [FFA]

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BornsatinBornsatin said

5 months ago | Post #1


  • All will play as guests, I will assign the guest names if they don't pick one
  • 8 players will play in total, this is not on first come first serve basis, 2 subs may sign up
  • 4P FFA (4 player, free for all) 4p is symmetric
  • No spectators other than myself, for keeping scores, to avoid lag
  • Chatting is discouraged
  • Each win will be counted, and average wins per game will determine the winner (=total wins/total games played)
  • Each match will have 5 games, and winning a game will be completely meaningless because I will treat the 5 games as one long continuous game with (5X4=) 20 opportunities to win
  • In case of a lag ejection, all players will stop playing immediately and wait for the player to rejoin
  • No player will reveal their identity until after the tournament ends. This is for your own good.


  • If a player wants to sign up but not let others know that they have signed up for this tournament, they can PM me and I will keep your identity completley hidden (promise)
  • If a player does not further wish to reveal their identity even after the tournament, I will even go ahead and arrange that, so no one ever has to know you even played, even if you win (seriously)


Tournament Date

29th June AKA This WEDNESDAY


9 pm GMT
5 pm Eastern
4 pm Central

Player List


Score Sheet & Structure:

Here is the Official Score Sheet

Signup Closed


Last edited 5 months ago
Post #2 deleted

LightBeamLightBeam said

5 months ago | Post #3
I'm not sure who is that ridiculous person who signed in on 13 different accounts just to down rate this. Some people need to relax a bit and think more positively than having just pure hate and desire to ruin.

Anyway the instructions are really too long! I'll read them later not now. But since it's bornsatin doing this tournament, I'm in anyway. I know he'll do a good job :).
Post #4 deleted

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

5 months ago | Post #5
Sign me up.
Post #6 deleted

~LineBreaker~~LineBreaker~ said

5 months ago | Post #7
Put me in! Please!
Post #8 deleted

TurboTronTurboTron said

5 months ago | Post #9
Sign me up.
Post #10 deleted

BornsatinBornsatin said

5 months ago | Post #11


I will be emailing all participants with their code user names, and will shortly post the tournament structure, the exact one, here.


29th June AKA This WEDNESDAY

9 pm GMT
5 pm Eastern
4 pm Central

For more information on timezones and your timezone go [ here]

My apologies if this is too late for someone, but its mid-day, and it's the best I can do, maybe an hour earlier at best.
Last edited 5 months ago

SolitarySolitary said

5 months ago | Post #12
Hall of records: - Bornsatin's 4 player FFA goes to guest-anonymous1

Can see it happening, lol.
Post #13 deleted

BornsatinBornsatin said

5 months ago | Post #14
Tournament Structure , if you really need an explanation of how it works, just ask.


To All Participants:

For gods sakes read the thread before asking me questions on game day

Sign Up Closed

Last edited 5 months ago

Burnt.ToastBurnt.Toast said

5 months ago | Post #15
Saw that you put alot of work into this tournament i hope it's successful

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

5 months ago | Post #16
First proper hidden-name tournament, this could be very interesting. Looking forward to it greatly.

helder1314helder1314 said

5 months ago | Post #17
i am in

DemiDexDemiDex said

5 months ago | Post #18
OMG! you noob didn't tell me about this! sign me in.. kick anyone and put me in :) anyways they won't show all.. so substitution?

BornsatinBornsatin said

5 months ago | Post #19
We already have two substitutes, I'd rather not make any more promises I can't keep ): But if more than 2 people don't show up, I'll be the first to search you out.
Last edited 5 months ago

~Ellsming~~Ellsming~ said

5 months ago | Post #20
Whether anyone thinks playing anonymously is a good idea or not, this is without doubt shaping up to be the best-organised Fltron tournament to date. Props to you, man.
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