extreme players

biller55biller55 said

7 months ago | Post #1
this thread sets the qualifications to be the best of the best. to be an extreme player you must have all of these things.

1. all upgrades.
2. beten the game 5 times.

if you have met these qualifications you can consider yourself the best of the best

irs_s4kirs_s4k said

4 days ago | Post #2
im the not the best of the best but im awsome i take bosses by my self and my friend saw me do it

Dead-FrontierDead-Frontier said

4 days ago | Post #3
well i have beaten the game 6 times and have all the upgrades....

I Guess im one of the best then....

irs_s4kirs_s4k said

4 days ago | Post #4
u beat it once

Blooded EliteBlooded Elite (online here) said

2 days ago | Post #5
technically if u cant my other accounts i beaten it 8 times :)

mony786mony786 said

2 days ago | Post #6
yo stop arguing and play df

mony786mony786 said

2 days ago | Post #7
instead of this

EradicateEradicate said

2 days ago | Post #8
Ive soloed from 20-23 and it wouldnt let me go any further....but really if your teamates suck how can it be your fault..
Post #9 deleted

Dead-FrontierDead-Frontier said

yesterday | Post #10
No irs_s4k i did beat it 8 times cause i beat it twice with dead-frontier and i beat it 6 times with Leon-13.... thats my other account

irs_s4kirs_s4k said

17 hours ago | Post #11
oh cool well y make 2 accs

Dead-FrontierDead-Frontier said

17 hours ago | Post #12
now ii beat game 9 times

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