EX Crew

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VictimoVictimo said

6 weeks ago | Post #1
Who playing EX CREW maps? (Castle, cube and now Ice Level
http://everybodyedits.com/?/f2------EX-Crew----Ice-Level ) How do you rating? Which map did you like most?
Last edited 6 weeks ago

KarMingKarMing said

6 weeks ago | Post #2
Its awesome the way the place looks and it really hard, can i help next place you make? Rating 5/5

VictimoVictimo said

6 weeks ago | Post #3
Sorry but it's not I do this map.

KarMingKarMing said

6 weeks ago | Post #4
well, my computer really slow and my space bar a little fucked up so that might explain why it hard for me
Last edited 6 weeks ago

halleujahalleuja said

6 weeks ago | Post #5
You mean, bears, tower of babel, cube, icelevel and a lot of more maps.
Post #6 by KingBooFan has a score of -2. show

KingBooFanKingBooFan said

6 weeks ago | Post #6
hey i heard a world called EX Crew Suck

And it says they are acually hacking and thats true theyare copying other ppls level like levels several days ago or whatever

RepedeRepede said

6 weeks ago | Post #7 | in reply to #6
All the EX crews idea's are original they do not copy anyone's idea's, everything else apart from EX crew maps are always constantly the same (hookjumps, stair level's, boss's and the average bad level you can complete in a few minutes) so try to ignore these overly jealous trolls who rage quit 10 seconds in to a level and decide to take it out on EX crew by causing trouble in their chat room and spreading lies outside of it.
Post #8 deleted

Teo10Teo10 said

4 weeks ago | Post #9
hey can i join the ex crew?
i can help!

15Master115Master1 said

4 weeks ago | Post #10
There is no more EX Crew.

NarutoX3NarutoX3 said

4 weeks ago | Post #11 | in reply to #10
wat u mean with theres no more EX?
Post #12 by NarutoX3 has a score of -3. show

NarutoX3NarutoX3 said

4 weeks ago | Post #12 | in reply to #10
wat u mean with theres no more EX?

15Master115Master1 said

4 weeks ago | Post #13 | in reply to #11
On August 18, 2010, MIHB, one of the founders, posted a topic in the forums titled "Farewell from EX Crew and map-making clinic," detailing that the founding members would no longer be able to keep making maps, and that the other members were going to try and make maps as much as they possibly could. The EX Crew would be disbanded, with one final upload of all their maps on the same night. MIHB also promised to answer any and all questions pertaining to map-making in their infamous tinychat. The news came as a great shock to the players, and apparently some of the members themsevles, and prompted an outpouring of affection from the Everybody Edits community. The EX Crew was a pioneering experiment in group collaboration, and they are generally considered to be the most influential and important members Everybody Edits has ever known. Their levels inspired many new groups to be formed.

After the EX Crew disbanded many of their old levels were often re-uploaded.
Post #14 deleted

15Master115Master1 said

3 weeks ago | Post #15 | in reply to #14
No they don't exist anymore. Psh, what do you know about encryption? You're eleven. Your beta membership doesn't confirm that all what you said is truth.
Last edited 3 weeks ago

doodleriderdoodlerider said

3 weeks ago | Post #16
Actually they did used hacks and cheat engine to make the black blocks and animatiions.

Last edited 3 weeks ago

Teo10Teo10 said

3 weeks ago | Post #17
hey omg! im unbanned and i saw something weird
black blocks on the ex crew ice lvl :O
also i saw the return of the ex crew :D
it was a weird lvl one day...yesterday XD
i was in this llvl called:art code maybey
and when i entered there was the EX crest
it said EX cool
not crew! OMG
but i would rly like to join the ex crew :3

Teo10Teo10 said

3 weeks ago | Post #18
even though their disbanded i want the code to their lvl the ice one because its so friking hard and everytime i try it i end up quiting on the first couple obsticals
i want to nerf that lvl
plz pm me the code only pm no tinychat or nonoba chat just inbox pm u know!!!
Post #19 by willard b has a score of -2. show

willard bwillard b said

2 weeks ago | Post #19

yall arent that smart are you

#1 dont post untill you know its true

#2 reasearch your posts so you know their the iron clad truth

#4 dont post any he said she said crap, nobody likes that

#5 dont gosup nobody likes it

#6 dont let the forum go in circles

now how many of you are actualy going to folow those rules i know right not that many

and i'le tell it to you strait, all you need, to have to be able make hacked black bricks, animate, use picture injection and do much much more are ee.animator.exe to make the levels and wpe pro to inject the codeing and level data into the everybody edits server.

atention all mods, you cant bann me i put the information in strike through
Last edited 2 weeks ago

Teo10Teo10 said

2 weeks ago | Post #20
uh still even with ur post ^^^ idc i just want the code to it so i can nerf it :3
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