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Replying comments.
The comment reply thing should redirect your response to the profile of the person who posted the comment you're replying.Score is 2
comments (2) »suggestion, 6 days ago

Showing how many xp people need to level-up.
Hover the mouse over someone's progressbar and see how many xp they need to get to level up.I know everyone wants that ;DScore is 3
Post commentsuggestion, 6 days ago

Guests naming games
I'm not sure why I'm bothering posting here if nothing ever gets done, but I guess it's worth a try.Guests shouldn't be able to change the default name of games. They can make as many as they like in lobbies, and name them all very inappropriately. Best part, nothing can be done about it. Sure, you can use a /close command or /kick all the people out of the room, but think about how long it takes to do that, and then compare it to how long it takes to make the same room again immediately afterwards. Games can also be full, meaning they can't be closed until someone leaves.
I think this is a big problem. If they really want to name games, it doesn't take long to sign up. If they can't be bothered to sign up, they don't want to name games that badly.Score is 2
comments (2) »suggestion, 8 days ago

about garage
that is an idea: the garage should be closed. so that only mods can move the others to it.Score is 5
comments (4) »suggestion, 2 weeks ago

jeg snns at der en god hjemmerside du er level 9 niceScore is 0
comments (1) »suggestion, 2 weeks ago

ok there was a guest namedguest-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
as he said anything it was already a spam even if he just said "h"
please do a letterlimit because spam like this sucks and is not lockedScore is -4
comments (7) »suggestion, 2 weeks ago

Lords Ad
Why do we need that stupid ad why cant we just advertise the game just like Nonoba was doing a few days ago! Cant Chris just get rid of it and put the games of Nonoba backScore is 0
comments (2) »suggestion, 3 weeks ago

Can we stop people using youtube videos as their DPs?
More and more people are using Youtube Videos as their display pictures, meaning if you go into a forum they have posted in, or if you're viewing a leaderboard page they're on, the video starts playing, usually quite loudly, and this can be incredibly annoying. Would it be at all possible to disallow that sort of file type to be used as a display picture?Score is 3
comments (27) »suggestion, 3 weeks ago

Chat Lag
Im not sure if this has aleady been suggested, but the chat lag in the chat rooms can get annoying. When I write something, it takes ages to appear in the chatrooms. Can this be fixed?Score is 5
comments (7) »suggestion, 5 weeks ago

an nonoba,bitte, ist es möglich bei multiplayer spielen in dem feld, in dem spieler einen gegner einladen zu einem spiel, auch die gäste mit ihrem gäste-namen darzustellen?
es gibt spieler mit denen man besonders gerne spielt, und mit anderen halt nicht so sehr, oder man hatte gerade gegen ihn gespielt, und möchte nun ein anderen kontrahenten.Score is 0
comments (1) »suggestion, 5 weeks ago

acho q deveria colocar games de culinárias BJUXXScore is -4
comments (8) »suggestion, 7 weeks ago

e au Acho q vcs Deverià Por Jogos de Luta Acho q ue como PESSOAS iriam adorarScore is -1
comments (3) »suggestion, 2 months ago

Moderators Control
I think we need a new button called "Thank Moderator" at all moderator's profile (something like a report button, but just to thank some moderator who helped us in some moment)And the moderators with less than 7 thanks in a month lost all his powers, because don't helped no one or is inactive...Score is -3
comments (2) »suggestion, 2 months ago

In chat
Remove the line below usernames in chat, so we can see it the name has a dot,underline...And it helps to stop users cloning usernamesScore is 1
comments (2) »suggestion, 2 months ago

Multiplayer Category
We need a new Game Category for multiplayer games who don't use the Nononoba's api.There's alots of multiplayer games who don't use it, like Everybody Edits, Post it Draw it, Sacred Seasons, Multiplayer Jelly Battle, Platform Racing 2, and anothers... and these games don't show as multiplayer in search and categoriesScore is 12
comments (3) »suggestion, 2 months ago

I think we need a button to select if we want the "Playbar" or "everything at top", so if the user don't like the big Playbar at a small screen he just change to "everything on top bar"..Score is 10
comments (3) »suggestion, 3 months ago

more things on chat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On chat we should be able to pause . we should be able to mute the sound . we should have attention . Nonoba should, "say some one has arrived, please tell them what you are talking about & why. Be polite & say hello ". But it does not happen . & it should happen we need more options. Were running outScore is -18
comments (5) »suggestion, 3 months ago

Merge Friend and Users Lists
The friends list above wastes space, especially if you have only one or two friends on. Instead, your friends could be put at the top of the Users bar and still have the heart next to them.Score is 0
comments (11) »suggestion, 3 months ago

Has this happened to you but when im in a game a add for a Nissan pops up and ruins your game and makes you start over.Score is 0
comments (2) »suggestion, 4 months ago