
It has been a member for 26 months, and was last logged on yesterday.

Gamer Level: 4


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Check out what deathdoom89 has been up to lately

Posted: November 18

deathdoom89 got a score of 4 190 in the game Blockarelli
BlockarelliBlockarelliA score from:

Posted: November 10

deathdoom89 got the achievement <= 0% Stupid
&lt;= 0% Stupid<= 0% Stupid

Become 0% Stupidfrom The Stupidity Test

deathdoom89 has gained XP and is now a level 4 player.
deathdoom89 got the achievement <= 50% Stupid
&lt;= 50% Stupid<= 50% Stupid

Score 50% stupid or lessfrom The Stupidity Test

deathdoom89 got the achievement Half Acute
Half AcuteHalf Acute

Score 50% stupid or lessfrom The Hebetudinous Exam

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&lt;= 0% Stupid <= 0% Stupid

Become 0% Stupid from The Stupidity Test

&lt;= 50% Stupid <= 50% Stupid

Score 50% stupid or less from The Stupidity Test

Half Acute Half Acute

Score 50% stupid or less from The Hebetudinous Exam

Scintillate Scintillate

Score 0% stupid from The Hebetudinous Exam

deathdoom89 has 28 achievements. View all ยป

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Demonic Defence 4Demonic Defence 4
This. Game. Pwnz.


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