Compulsive Eater is 74 years old. It has been a member for 2 months, and was last logged on 3 hours ago.
Gamer Level: 2

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Posted: Yesterday

CompulsiveEater got the achievement 10 Match Wins
10 Match Wins

Win 10 Matches in a single game session.from Fltron Multiplayer
Posted: October 25

CompulsiveEater got the achievement 5 Match Wins (Team)
5 Match Wins (Team)

Win 5 Matches in a single game session.from Fltron Multiplayer
CompulsiveEater got the achievement 3 Match Wins (Team)
3 Match Wins (Team)

Win 3 Matches in a single game session.from Fltron Multiplayer
Posted: October 20

CompulsiveEater got a score of T{{0} seconds} in the game Nonoba Racer
Nonoba RacerA T{Lap time Copenhagen} from:
Posted: October 8

CompulsiveEater has gained XP and is now a level 2 player.