ASHI01 is a girl. She has been a member for 5 weeks, and was last logged on 4 weeks ago.
Gamer Level: 1

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Posted: October 20

ASHI01 got the achievement Get a score of 50!
Get a score of 50!

Get a score of 50!from Stomp That Alien
ASHI01 got the achievement Get a score of 25!
Get a score of 25!

Get a score of 25!from Stomp That Alien
ASHI01 got the achievement Get a score of 10!
Get a score of 10!

Get a score of 10!from Stomp That Alien
Posted: October 15

ASHI01 and darksoul007 are now friends.
coolperson23 said
Posted 3 weeks agohi want to be my freind