Suggest a better banner

If you like this game, you can help make it even better by suggesting a better banner for it. Simply create a new banner that you think is better than the current one, and upload it below.

To show our appreciation, you'll recieve 25 XP if your banner is approved by our moderators!.

Banners must show the game name in the first 200 pixels from the left. You're encouraged to display the name in a fancy way.

Current Banner

You should only submit a banner suggestion if you think you can make one that is better than the current one:

Avalon Simon SaysAvalon Simon Says


Make sure your banner follows these requirements:

  1. The name of the game must be clearly visible in the first 200 pixels.
  2. The file must be between 350x70 and 800x70 pixels.
  3. The file must be either a png, jpg or gif file.
  4. The file must be smaller than 100 kB.


Here are some guidelines for making a great game banner

  • Do something fancy with the name of the game in the first 200 pixels.
  • We won't alway shows the entire width of the banner, but you should still make the part after the first 200 pixels look interresting.
  • Pick out a few key elements from the game, and use them in the banner. The game's icon might also be useful.
  • The banner will be scaled to various sizes, so ensure that it works even in half size.