34IceChill34IceChill said

Posted 5 months ago

first :P

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 5 months ago

YAY! You made an account!!! I am sooooooo happy!!! <l:D


Posted 5 months ago

cute dog aaaaaaaddddddd mmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee please

suzan09suzan09 said

Posted 5 months ago

cute doggy!!! i had a dog named dog once he looked like that

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 months ago

omg that dog is sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
add me?

Alex is koolAlex is kool said

Posted 5 months ago

cute dog!!!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 5 months ago

Thanks :-)

bieber_baby2bieber_baby2 said

Posted 5 months ago

cute dog!

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 5 months ago

I accepted ur friend request :-D

I am also thinking u LOVE dogs 2 just like me lol :-)

samihac said

Posted 5 months ago

do u wanna b my friend
samiha (samihac)

howboutpizzahowboutpizza said

Posted 5 months ago

Youre dog is pretty!!!!!!!!!!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 5 months ago

Thank u :-)

jackson 10jackson 10 said

Posted 5 months ago

nica add me

jackson 10jackson 10 said

Posted 5 months ago

is the puppy y


lollipop2lollipop2 said

Posted 5 months ago

hey aww not the fierst to comment waa!!!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 5 months ago

hahaha :-)

howboutpizzahowboutpizza said

Posted 5 months ago


MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 5 months ago

ello ello ello :-)

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 4 months ago

OMG! She is tooooo cute! I just want to take her! Hahaha! I really wish I had a puppy!!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

I know she is just soooooo cute!!!!!!

:-D :-) =-)

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 4 months ago

Ahhhhh! I just want her! hehehe! Maybe when I am older I will get a
Blenum Coloured Cavilear King Charles Spanual and a beagle! :D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 months ago

haha thx.lol

luv-luv-luvmycellfoneluv-luv-luvmycellfone said

Posted 4 months ago

u go on google and find a pic u want on ur profile. the u highlite it and rite click. then u click copy. then u go and edit ur profile. wen u get 2 the spot where u wanna put it, u rite click agen and click paste

luv-luv-luvmycellfoneluv-luv-luvmycellfone said

Posted 4 months ago

no problem, my plessure

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 months ago

awww they look so cool!im so happy i could help!lemme know if you want me to help you with the background...unless smiley has already told you.

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

Ok I sure will
thank u again :-)

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 4 months ago

I LOVE THE SMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!! The Mexican wave one made me laugh! :D

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

hahahahah I have loads more I can put up,glad u like them :-)

RandomOneRandomOne said

Posted 4 months ago

ha ha!!! i luv the mexican wave smileys!!! soo kwel

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

Hahahahah that one is funny LOL =-)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 months ago

heyy...i love the comment boxes...ahhh im writing in blue!!!hahaha! well its cool.teehee im happy i could help! :)

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

hahahah I know I like the blue as well BLUE not back!!! yay !!! <I:-)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 months ago


maria-munchiesmaria-munchies said

Posted 4 months ago

hey i like your profile! and your very nice!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

Thank u I am going to have a background soon :-) and thank u ur very nice as well :-)

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

oh yea bammin B-) oh yea can I put some more on give me a while though :-)
Glad u liked the mexican wave :-)

Kailly999Kailly999 said

Posted 4 months ago

such a cute puppy

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

thank u Kailly999 :-)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 months ago

haha thanks!i've gotten a lot of comments about her!lol hehe your puppy is really cute too!haha i love the name Tilly!:)

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

hahahah thank u =-)

FuzzehWuzzehFuzzehWuzzeh said

Posted 4 months ago

awwwww your dog is really cute :D he/she looks sooo cuddly lol

i love your profile too its awesomee :]

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

oh yes she is :-) I just love the breed they are just so lovely :-)
and thank u =-)

ladyrayraysladyrayrays said

Posted 4 months ago

lol ur friends with lolipop

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

yes and she is very nice :-)

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

Thank u
ok :-)

GlencoolGlencool said

Posted 4 months ago

Lets play a game tell me one

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

Thank u :-) lol yea she looks more like a Tilly than a mable for defo :-)

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 4 months ago

thanks :-) I have accepted the friend request :-)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 months ago

heyy!awesome avatar its so colourful!hehe wats up?

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Hi :-) thanx I like it 2 cause its a butterfly and a flower blended in the pic and I just think its pretty kool hehehe :-D Im on my school holidays at the moment YAY:-)

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

nice nickname girl!!! :D

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

hehehehe thanx man :-D

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

Yay!!! no problem girl!! btw nice puppy!!! can i bite him?? :o

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

why thank u :-)
and no u can't bite her!!!!!!!

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Hehehe ☼-☼ It Tillys first walk 2day :-D ☺

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

well we have been for the walk and at first she was nervous but then she was walking arond and even running and we had to up!we met 2 big dogs and a smaller dog she liked the dogs but a bit nervous about the big ones :-) she is going on another walk 2morrow im so exited :-D ☼-☼

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

Opppsss.. sorry! the puppy is a girl??? O.O

lol... hi misssunshine!!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Yes hehehehe......hi folkkksss ☺

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

ok I will get to work at that later 2day! :-)
hehehehe ------> ☼-☼

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago


folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago


MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

HEY! :-0 No! heheheh

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

>.< MMMMM...

then, can i bite you???

hey, are u british?? :o

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

NO u cant!
and yes I am british :-D

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

hey what is that about the smiles club??? O.O

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

I have added more about it go and have a look ☺

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago


skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 months ago

i need a smiley face for the smiles club but i cant think of one:(

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

I will have a think for you in the mean time keep practising different smiley faces :-)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 months ago

hehehe ok then...i've got some ideas.

lnh4soccerlnh4soccer said

Posted 3 months ago

Hey i love ur profile it is so awesome!!!!!!!!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Thank u Inh4soccer,ur profile is great I like all the smiley faces you have on urs

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Hehehe thank you Emily88 =-)

lnh4soccerlnh4soccer said

Posted 3 months ago

thanks u r really cool!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

heheh thanx =-D

Emily88Emily88 said

Posted 3 months ago

Hey I just luv that big smiley on ur page!!!!:)

jeftajefta said

Posted 3 months ago

background and boxes are nicely

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 months ago

yipee it worked!hehe it looks great!!!!!!!!sooo colourful!hehe im so happy i could help!:-D

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

hehe thank you,you were a great help :-D

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 3 months ago

YAY! I love your background! :D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 months ago

yay it worked!!!!!!!hehe it looks great!!!!!!its awesome with your background.the colours look awesome together!:-)

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

hey hey!! can i bite to your puppy?? plz say yes!!! :D

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 3 months ago

OMG! Why would you ever want to bite a puppy?! :O

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

flokkksss are u a vampire?????????
and NO u cant bite me!!!!!!
or Tilly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago


hi girl...!! well why not?? O.O

la vita flaviala vita flavia said

Posted 3 months ago

hi my friend MissSunshine

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Hi la vita flavia :-)

strawberrysophia7strawberrysophia7 said

Posted 3 months ago

HELLO! wow i love your profile! i like the thing at the top! :D its so colourful! :D hehehe

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

hello! thank you :-D hehehe

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

o.O huh?? who is Tilly?? :O

and nope im not a vampire :(

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Tilly is my puppy!!!!! :-)
=-) :-) folkkksss

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

"Tilly" O.O looolzzz!! nice name for a little dog!! hehe! plz, let me bite tilly!! just a little.. :D

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

awwww :( why not??? D:

well, nice profile!! :D

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

you know why not
Thank you :-) ☼-☼

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago


Hi girl!!! :O

musiclovarmusiclovar said

Posted 3 months ago

eugh boring~ xD

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 3 months ago

Hi <I:-)

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 3 months ago

hye misssunshine!!!! i still want to bite that little puppy!! :D

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 2 months ago

hehehehe I agree :-)


Posted 2 months ago

lovin your profile jst gone back to skool WOOP !! and i have join the skool football team

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 2 months ago

>.< guesss what is mean this face!!

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 2 months ago


SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 2 months ago

And I am your 139th commenter!!!! YAY! :D

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 2 months ago

hahaha Congratulations SmileySmile :-)

Emily88Emily88 said

Posted 2 months ago

heyy wats up
haven't tlked 2 u in a yile where have u been???

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 2 months ago

The word cooey you can use if you want to get someons attenchion and its baseically another word for hello :-)

Comment deleted

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 2 months ago

i like the sparkly welcome sign on your profile text!!!!!!!so glittery!!!!!!!i luvs it!:D hehe

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 2 months ago

hahaha glad u luvs it haha :-) so u say it is glittery well yes ur right about that hahaha :-)

Comment deleted

MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

Posted 2 months ago

No need to be sorry :-)

34IceChill34IceChill said

Posted 2 months ago

hi :P

34IceChill34IceChill said

Posted 2 months ago

i'm doing good...kinda passed ur profile and said hi haha
how about you?

34IceChill34IceChill said

Posted 2 months ago

oh yea..i was :D
lol my first commenter doesnt come on anymore...xD

mustang56mustang56 said

Posted 2 months ago

hey u sound so awesome girl

Alli-KayyAlli-Kayy said

Posted 2 months ago

girlll... your profile is just awesome(: addd meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 2 months ago

I found them on the internet :)

bethchaplowwbethchaploww said

Posted 2 months ago

Woooooo, you sound ALOT like me :D

edwardfan6edwardfan6 said

Posted 2 months ago

HeY cuuuuuute doggie

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 2 months ago

OH MY GOODNESS!! Tilly has gotten soooo big!!! She is sooooo cute!! <333333

edwardfan6edwardfan6 said

Posted 2 months ago

o thank u :) u do 2!~

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 7 weeks ago

hey!:) haha

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 7 weeks ago

haha hes big head but too bad last night was his last night!! :'( im so sad now!! he got ran over!!! :"( i cant even BELEIVE that it happened! like its a blur and now hes gone...

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 7 weeks ago

thanks but i dont think theres much to talk about! its just the others aren't themselves today i feel so bad and the kitties mom was with big head and se licked his tail and he was so confused and wanted to get up but he couldn't! thats was really hurts me

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

hahaha your so very welcome miss sunshine247!! :P

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

whoa evil pumpkins:O lol

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 6 weeks ago


missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

awww wook at wittle tilly! how cute! :)

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

awwwz thanks!! :þ WOAH!! i dont know how i made that!!

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

aww how sweet! :)

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

hahaha I KNOW!!! it was cool
i think you should have my avatar! haha

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

why do you have pictures of food?mmmm looks yummy...imma eat it!!!!!!!!!!!:D


missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

woah!! how do you do it?!? cuz that will be my face for the club!

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

yes yes i would love that i will find out how i did it!

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 6 weeks ago

yum yum yes i will eat it:p hehe

awww wittle tilly is so big now!shes so adorable!!!!!


skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hehe...awww i know shes so cute:)

hehe thanks:) i like how yours is outlined in blue:) and i will still make you your background:)

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

yayyy!! it looks awesome!! :P haha

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

i found out how to do it lemme try oh nevermind i looked it up on google but it doesn't work!! :(

msalmeron55msalmeron55 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

well.... thankz for acepting it :p
and cute puppy!

edwardfan6edwardfan6 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

cute puppy

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

:Þ YESSS!! i made it!!! yes yes yes!! press alt-0222 hahahaha! if you copy something and press 022 it'll paste it! hahahaa yes! i can make it now im happy!

msalmeron55msalmeron55 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

nutin much im just kinda sad but im fine...
how about u?

msalmeron55msalmeron55 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hey ur dog kinda looks like a human hahaha

msalmeron55msalmeron55 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

umm im kinda sad cuz of some of some jerk...
anyways i dont think u want to know the whole thing...

CaiitRawrr-xCaiitRawrr-x said

Posted 5 weeks ago

Cute puppyy!! :)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

haha yes quite early:) hehe

omg tilly!!!!!!ahhhh shes so adorable!!!!!!!!!i wanna steal her from you>:) hahaha just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriousley jk!

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago


hmmm well really shes not my dog so HAHA FOR YOU!!!!>:)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hahahaha!!!!!!!i still wanna take tilly though so watch out!>:D

msalmeron55msalmeron55 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

yea :] lol

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

awww! your so sweet! haha did you copy and paste the pic? awww thanks so much your a sweetie pie! ☺

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

awww you put big head on:) he was loved by many

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago


skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

it was good thanks:) omg all da wittle pictures of silly tilly!!!!!!!!ahhhhh so cute!!!!:D

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hahaha your just a thinker! lol! aww so many pics of tilly! faints from cuteness

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

shes just so cute!haha ya i have lots of names for my doggy too:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

lil lilly...her name is lilly.lol silly lilly lilly-put haha random names.lol

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago


skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

awww your so welcome!awww thank you so much!your so nice too!hehehe your welcome to tilly:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hehe:) ooo yes i just read it:D its cool!

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

WOOWW! thats creative! i like it :)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 5 weeks ago

hahaha your welcome!:D

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

hahaha! i have seen that face before! =Þ

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

yup yup it is! :) i love this background too! =Þ

Lone ShadowLone Shadow said

Posted 4 weeks ago


skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

yay it worked!:D hehe i just love this background:)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

hehe:) haha i know it took me like an hour!haha oh well it looks good now:) aww thanks:D
your too nice:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

hahaha almost!hehe

yuppers:) hehe

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

haha kinda....but mine are clear im gonna put something in them later! anyways um...ok i like purple too! :)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

haha well maybe it wasnt an HOUR but it took a long time:P

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

haha that was what i was going for! :D

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

hmmm...you think!? hahaha =Þ

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago


skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

i know!omg yes im super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

la cheriela cherie said

Posted 4 weeks ago

Ohei :)
no problem & thanks^^
I like your Profile <3

la cheriela cherie said

Posted 4 weeks ago

You're welcome =D
Thaanks :)
I'm fine :>, thanks, wbu?

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

awww thank you for da song:D

la cheriela cherie said

Posted 4 weeks ago

Greaat :')
EHHHHH..nothing :D
Just relax ;D
And u?

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 4 weeks ago


Hi Girl!!

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 4 weeks ago

I hate that puppy!! >.<

lol, just jocking!!

la cheriela cherie said

Posted 4 weeks ago

Ohh yes i'm going to school too -.- :D

folkkksssfolkkksss said

Posted 4 weeks ago


la cheriela cherie said

Posted 4 weeks ago

Hmm..not so good :-(
and b you? :p

la cheriela cherie said

Posted 4 weeks ago

Oh great :)
hmm i'm not good in maths and in francais x.o

Yes thats me :)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

hello sunshine:) wow your profile picture is at a pretty place:)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

oh well it looks very pretty:D

cemscems said

Posted 4 weeks ago

hi,I know you said you won't answer but please tell me how old you are.:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

hahaha you type the word with ** in front and behind:)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 4 weeks ago


missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

omg! that is so pretty where was that pic taken from?

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 4 weeks ago

aww JEALOUS! i wanna go there

i have been to florida 4 times 3 in disney once on the beach! AMAZING!

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

hahaha yes i guess i have

oh it is SO! nice! but i have always dreamed of going to california

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

haha yes it is and we found all these shells and sea urchins on the beach it was awesomme
and i went with my WHOLE family like grandma and aunts and uncles and cousins and so we rented a house RIGHT on the sand! so you walk out onto the back deck and you can see the beach it was BEAUTIFUL!

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

OMG! i know they're so awesome!!!! in florida we found one and my brother kept poking it! aww crabs are so cool!

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

yeah.... =( poor crabby! hahaha yeah im sure he was fine!

aww how cute! :)

jeftajefta said

Posted 3 weeks ago

nice picture :-)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

2010 is almost over, so pass the smile to anyone who made you smile this year. It may surprise you how many you get back. Thanks for making me smile :) ♥

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 3 weeks ago

2010 is almost over, so pass the smile to anyone who made you smile this year. It may surprise you how many you get back :D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

hehe thank you:) hahahaha yes the smiley should get to breathe through its nose!:-)

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much! :)

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

oh your too sweet! :) hahaha twin!

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 3 weeks ago

awww hehe thank you!!!!!!:D

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 2 weeks ago


SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 2 weeks ago

I adore the colour pink!!<3333

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 2 weeks ago

BAHAHAHAHA!! YES!! I know it may come as a surprise but I do LOVE pink!! ;)

SmileySmileSmileySmile said

Posted 2 weeks ago

Oh no!! Lay down and I shall get you some tea and a cookie ;D

ristaeoristaeo said

Posted 2 weeks ago

haha thank you for accepting :)

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 2 weeks ago

aw thanks! i like your profile picture!
oh it was something at my birthday party hahaha

RandomAndCrazyWorldRandomAndCrazyWorld said

Posted 2 weeks ago


skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 2 weeks ago

hehe thanks:D nice pic:)

RandomAndCrazyWorldRandomAndCrazyWorld said

Posted 13 days ago

Hello ello ello :-)

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 13 days ago

hahaha of course i will help you again:)

RandomAndCrazyWorldRandomAndCrazyWorld said

Posted 13 days ago

how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

RandomAndCrazyWorldRandomAndCrazyWorld said

Posted 12 days ago

i like the pitcher :-D

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 12 days ago

awww! look at her in the snow!! does she like it??

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 12 days ago

awww!!!!!!!!!!!tilly's in the snow:D shes too cute:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 12 days ago

awww hahaha silly tilly!HAHAHAHA OMG GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha thats funny!it snowed here too:O it didnt snow as much here as it did for you though:(

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 12 days ago

whoa the background looks soooooo cool!

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 12 days ago

oh my gosh:O i absolutely LOVE this background!i think you should keep this one it looks really cool!:D

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 12 days ago

oh hehehe! i see!

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 11 days ago

what my background or yours?hehe i love yours:D hehe i really liked this one too:


hehe i dont know why i like it so much its just really cute:D

awww good girl tilly!!!!!!!!!!!!:D shes soooo cute:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 11 days ago

hehe why thank you:D hahaha ya i love yours too!(haha i dont know how many times i've said that!) hehe

awww hehe yes she is:D

RandomAndCrazyWorldRandomAndCrazyWorld said

Posted 10 days ago

love the background thanks!

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 10 days ago

hahahahaha yes i have!hehe i should maybe stop now i think you get it:P lol

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 10 days ago

hahaha!awww thank you:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 9 days ago

nice pictures!!!!!!:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 8 days ago

AWWW TILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwww thats such a cute picture:D

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

Posted 8 days ago

awww omg yes it is!!!!!!:D

missymelon27missymelon27 said

Posted 8 days ago

awww! how cute! aww shes adorable! and i like the diamonds they're cool!

edwardfan6edwardfan6 said

Posted 7 days ago

Hey ...
i cant get over how
cute your puppies r =)

mere_rocksmere_rocks said

Posted 6 days ago

yeppers! lol, ummmmmm...i was hacked on all of them! :""""""(

mere_rocksmere_rocks said

Posted 5 days ago

lol, i think form everybody edits bcuz thts where gawjuss got hacked also...thts y i never play it anymore! lol...:(

mere_rocksmere_rocks said

Posted 4 days ago

no, its the game...they can get into ur account easily

mere_rocksmere_rocks said

Posted 4 days ago

im rly not sure, but wen u click on their name, u r automattically logged o as tht person...its weird

mere_rocksmere_rocks said

Posted 4 days ago

hi, im alyssa. i died last year in may. i was in a car accident and i bled to death. let me just warn you now, this boy named Benjamin thought i was very pretty, and read this message. Benjamin didnt foward this message so i watched him sleep in the night and the next day, i cut his head off. This girl named Jessica read this but only sent it to 10 people, so i watched her sleep in the night and chopped her fingers off and made her eat them like sausages. This other girl, Brooke sent this to all 15 people and so i watched her in the night also and kissed her on the cheek every night and protected her during the day to make sure nothing ever happens to her.

send this to 15 people in the next 24 hours.

GO! i know you dont want to end up like Jessica and Benjamin

this is me!

http://webconce.com/wp content/uploads/2009/Gambar/celebrity/emo-girls.jpg
send this to 15 people in the next 24 hours.

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