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Win a match against a top 20 player in the weighted rank ladder. This is for free-for-all mode with any amount of players.
Rank Achieved by Reached
1 Laninha21Laninha21 18 times
2 FedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeFedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 18 times
3 guest*1guest*1 16 times
4 bhklbbhklb 14 times
5 SvictorSSvictorS 14 times
6 twinnylovestwinnytwinnylovestwinny 13 times
7 MeQbMeQb 13 times
8 SaNgRe18SaNgRe18 13 times
9 -Vanillalce--Vanillalce- 13 times
10 obesebumfluffobesebumfluff 12 times
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