What is the funniest phrase you heard?

Joebo Lakerunner20Joebo Lakerunner20 said

4 weeks ago | Post #1
another possibly fun forum game. Just simply type in the phrase and where you found it. Don't forget to rate the one above!

i'll start.

"Now you done it! You won't like Doc when he's angry!" from Doc Louis' WII Punch-out.
Last edited 4 weeks ago

miguelith0oomiguelith0oo said

4 weeks ago | Post #2
The funniest (which is also a lie) is:

"Yer mawm isn't a b!tch."

demonic780demonic780 said

4 weeks ago | Post #3

...sucker punch
...P!ss on his taser
...oh we're so screwed


My favorite quotes are coming from that series lately
Last edited 3 weeks ago

Joebo Lakerunner20Joebo Lakerunner20 said

4 weeks ago | Post #4
Guys! Rate the one on a funny and boring scale from 1-10.

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