uploading rpg maker XP games

evilman3000evilman3000 said

a long time ago | Post #1
how do i upload rpg makers XP games onto this site or any other game site allowing me too?it says wrong file type when i try here and when i upload it to rapidshare it doesn't work.
Post #2 by sgtflamingo has a score of -2. show

sgtflamingosgtflamingo said

a long time ago | Post #2
The tricky thing about posting anything from RMXP is that you need to include the ENTIRE resources pack. So, on top of your game, you need to have every sprite you used, ever graphic, monster, tileset, everything. I cant remember what its called, the RTP pack?
Post #3 by Henrik has a score of -2. show

HenrikHenrik said

a long time ago | Post #3
Nonoba only supports games created in Flash.
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Post #12 by AnonUser has a score of -2. show

AnonUserAnonUser said

4 weeks ago | Post #12
Post #12 will soon be deleted

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