The ^, >, and v game.

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xpo20xpo20 said

4 months ago | Post #1
^ is the person above you.
< is you.
v is the person below you.
Simple enough, huh?
^ doesn't exist... :/
< is a writer.
v is not a writer.

jonny77jonny77 said

4 months ago | Post #2
^ started this thread
< is awesome
v is a girl
Post #3 deleted

jsheppard said

4 months ago | Post #4
^ is deleted
< is jsheppard
v is not jsheppard
Last edited 2 months ago

xpo20xpo20 said

4 months ago | Post #5
^ is telling the truth.
< likes <.
v doesn't like waffles.
Post #6 deleted

roflmaokittyroflmaokitty said

4 months ago | Post #7
^blames irs
<can't sleep
\/has issues

darcie_26darcie_26 said

4 months ago | Post #8

< doesn't have an accent

V has no sense of humour.

TobyToby said

4 months ago | Post #9
^Is so mean to me.

< Is Toby.

v Is Toby

TobyToby said

4 months ago | Post #10
^Is stunningly handsome

<Is a liar

v is spamming this thread.

TobyToby said

4 months ago | Post #11
^ Should stop it

< Will stop it

v Is proof that I have, in fact, stopped it.

darcie_26darcie_26 said

4 months ago | Post #12
^ Thinks the British are coming

< Throws a firebomb at the British, because it is the British way.

V Wants to have a smart reply.
Post #13 deleted

darcie_26darcie_26 said

4 months ago | Post #14
^ Got a smart ass answer right there

< INB4 Trolled by Demonic

V Attempt at trolling

roflmaokittyroflmaokitty said

4 months ago | Post #15
^ is wrong
< seconds darci
v pesimist

*Numbers**Numbers* said

4 months ago | Post #16
^ *pessimist

< Is old

v Is younger than I.
Post #17 deleted

jonny77jonny77 said

4 months ago | Post #18
^ Has had 2 accounts permabanned
< is canadian
v is not me

Miguelith0oo* said

4 months ago | Post #19
^More than 2, way more.
<Is not Jony77.
v Will post something senseless.

jonny77jonny77 said

4 months ago | Post #20
^ isnt that the point of the thread
< thinks that this forum is senseless
v likes cheese
Last edited 4 months ago
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