smiley voteing!

anti-etmeranti-etmer said

a long time ago | Post #41
how dis happend?

Zoned in2pieZoned in2pie said

a long time ago | Post #42
What did Etmer do <(>___<)> keep this going for whats his name / whats her face

Zoned in2pieZoned in2pie said

a long time ago | Post #43 | in reply to #39
an emo ///_*)>

CarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLoveCarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLove said

a long time ago | Post #44
Zoned_in2pie's 1st emo smiley is funny and i like etmer's dino. very creative. now this is one that i just looked on my keyboard and created. i really don't give a crud if its already used.

(o3 <-------------------- IT BE MINE!!!!!!!!!!

btw: 3.5/5 for Zoned_in2pie's smiley above me.


NumbersNumbers said

a long time ago | Post #45

samuelmsamuelm said

a long time ago | Post #46
When i saw etmer post this:
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Then i thought that this wasn't really a forum for kids...
The one before:(numbers) 8/10
Anyway, my own!



samuelmsamuelm said

a long time ago | Post #47

\ /
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looks like two persons having... Erm... Yeah, you get it...

samuelmsamuelm said

a long time ago | Post #48
To me

( )
8 8
/ \

Looks like someone holding two guns.
Post #49 deleted

eeveeditto2eeveeditto2 said

a long time ago | Post #50
( )TM
/ \

eeveeditto2eeveeditto2 said

a long time ago | Post #51
( )TM
/ \

metal overlordmetal overlord said

a long time ago | Post #52
\/(0-o)\/ idk. not bad eh?

eeveeditto2eeveeditto2 said

a long time ago | Post #53
DARNIT um... -.-

eeveeditto2eeveeditto2 said

a long time ago | Post #54
Ah.. im gonna make my OWN voting thread..

metal overlordmetal overlord said

a long time ago | Post #55
(>.)> go right ahead.

Internet surferInternet surfer said

a long time ago | Post #56
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looked like someone in tighten clothes but the 2 person way looks like they are holding hands.

Sry if i did that.

CarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLoveCarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLove said

a long time ago | Post #57

ze italian mafia

CarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLoveCarmelitaFoxandSlyCooperLove said

a long time ago | Post #58
by thee way 3/5 for internet surfers ppl holding hands. it does kind of!

cool kidcool kid said

a long time ago | Post #59
(\ (\
( ) hi

ninja bunny


and knokes u out

mario_100mario_100 said

a long time ago | Post #60
'¸' 3/7.5

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