Silly Threats

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rizzey09rizzey09 said

a long time ago | Post #1

Someone threatens to do something then you say something to stop it.

-I'm gonna buy all the diamonds in the world!
-Don't be silly! Who says I'll sell them to you? I'm gonna be the president of the USA!

so on and so forth......

Let's begin:

I'm gonna be the Queen of the Internet!
Post #2 deleted

rizzey09rizzey09 said

a long time ago | Post #3
Are you silly? I'm THE ONLY QUEEN and if I tell you not to sleep you will not SLEEP!

sgeniussgenius said

a long time ago | Post #4
Don't be silly; I'm in control of all sleep in the world and only I can decide who slumbers and who doesn't. So there!

allven434allven434 said

a long time ago | Post #5
Don't Be Silly, you will murder the toothfairy.

allven434allven434 said

a long time ago | Post #6
my threat: im gonna buy a laptop that can do anything!

sgeniussgenius said

a long time ago | Post #7
You're just being silly there... they've been all recalled.
I'll become invisible!

allven434allven434 said

a long time ago | Post #8
Are You silly? You are just impersonating Snake (Metal Gear Solid) I'll Make the world have much glitches like a video game!

sgeniussgenius said

a long time ago | Post #9
Are you silly? That's been done already. Check any Microsoft operative system for proof. XD

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go conquer the moon! evil laugh
Post #10 deleted

rizzey09rizzey09 said

a long time ago | Post #11
Don't play silly! I already OWN the moon!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, I will create my own universe cough

sgeniussgenius said

a long time ago | Post #12
You're just being silly now... you can't create your own universe unless you have a valid license for that, and as I run the office that grants them, I can clearly see yours expired last month. You owe a fine of $1,337.00, will that be cash or credit?

As for me, public in the audience, I will be THE next rockstar!

SeraSera said

a long time ago | Post #13
Don't be silly, I'm THE next rockstar.

I'm gonna prove Unicorns exist!

rizzey09rizzey09 said

a long time ago | Post #14
Your playing like a child! Unicorns NEVER existed, well they may, IN YOUR DREAMS.

I have a Book to prove that. It's entitled "NEVER UNICORNS" by the
great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson of C.S. Lewis.

I'm gonna be the prettiest, sexiest, cutest and the most intelligent girl in the world! evil laughs

RunaWorldRunaWorld said

a long time ago | Post #15
Silly rizzey09, those traits are no longer valued!

I'm gonna be King of the Hill!

etmer said

a long time ago | Post #16
yo, what hill?
im am going to be a retart!

shadowstalker said

a long time ago | Post #17
Don't be silly you already are.

I am going to be me

rizzey09rizzey09 said

a long time ago | Post #18
Hihihi Hehehehe you already are you. And if by fate if you are going to be you, what's the point? So by this time forth you are Cinderella, not you.

I am going to kill you all. (it was a commandment of my government)

etmer said

a long time ago | Post #19
silly rizzey09! there are good news and bad news and horibble news.
The bad news is you are dead!
The horrible news is that you got owned by a fish! (old avatar. its from defalt.) The good news is that we all live! (of couse not someone)

Zoned in2pieZoned in2pie said

a long time ago | Post #20
I'm going to desttroy all the llamas!
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