ideas for christmas

missymelon27missymelon27 said

3 days ago | Post #1
ok so im not sure how many people will go on this thread but i need ideas for my christmas list i am 12 and im a girl and i like arts and crafts and music and nail polish and board games so if you live in canada or the US can you shout out some ideas that could help me!!!! thanks alot
Post #2 deleted

Fat said

3 days ago | Post #3
INB4 underaged ban.

Santo LeeSanto Lee said

3 days ago | Post #4
I don't celebrate Christmas

skatergirl12skatergirl12 said

2 days ago | Post #5
uhhh hmmm...did you ask for ramona and beezus cuz i know you like that movie...more embroidery floss...

hmmm i have to think of something to make for you:O i know what im doing for your card...even though christmas is in like a month:P

missymelon27missymelon27 said

2 days ago | Post #6
yeah i asked for that! no i think i have enough

OMG AHHHHH! i haven't thought of ANYTHING!!! oh gosh i need to think! oh thanks for reminding me so much is going on i forgot i mean once december came and blah blah blah im sure i would have known!

oh and santo lee that sucks why not?
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MissSunshine247MissSunshine247 said

2 days ago | Post #11
Well I'm still gonna say some things even though I don't live in any of them places! hahah :-)
Well maybe u should get nail polish if u like nail polish hehehe :-) urm what else books maybe urm I see u like 2 make cards so maybe u should get a cards making kit or some other art stuff urm CD's urm sweets! urm clothes urm a calender for 2011 urm and surprizes cause they are always fun! :-)

panther foreverpanther forever said

11 hours ago | Post #12
I am in US of A awsome here the huge thing i want is a laptop because I love to be on the computer but my little bro is mad because he has barley any time so i need a laptop my little bro is mustang56

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