I think the person below me...

Post #1181 deleted
Post #1182 deleted
Post #1183 deleted
Post #1184 deleted

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

3 months ago | Post #1185
No, won't stop posting, not even with these crappy notes of Post #1158 to #1184 which is deleted.

Next person can't ignore these crappy notes above me OR even thinks that Priapus did ALL of these.
Last edited 3 months ago


3 months ago | Post #1186
omg wat is that???

im guessing the the person below me.... likes sel and demi

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

3 months ago | Post #1187

Next person had seen a drunk guy trying a backflip and fails.

Caitiee__xCaitiee__x said

2 months ago | Post #1188
hahaaaaa , nopeeee , but lol that would be funnyyyy

im guessin the person below meh hasnt got a background on there profile?


Hall MoniterHall Moniter said

2 months ago | Post #1189
Nope i have a background :D

im guessing the person below me has a cool avatar
Last edited 2 months ago

Meta Knight-UnmaskedMeta Knight-Unmasked said

2 months ago | Post #1190
ooooohh! u mind reader!! Im guessn' that the person below me likes to watch Star Wars!

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

2 months ago | Post #1191
I'm sick of Star Wars, I like the parodies though.

Next person can get too random.

cool kidcool kid said

2 months ago | Post #1192
nope the person under has a ps2

cool kidcool kid said

2 months ago | Post #1193
nope the person under has a ps2

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

2 months ago | Post #1194

Next person had tried a PS3[or even pwn one].

54321namJ54321namJ said

2 months ago | Post #1195
I have tried one (go 360) I WANT TO PWN ONE! lol u made a spelling mistake

Im guessing the person below me knows me on nonoba
Last edited 2 months ago

MildDestructionMildDestruction said

6 weeks ago | Post #1196

Ima guess next up is a Boy!

Joebo Lakerunner20Joebo Lakerunner20 said

4 weeks ago | Post #1197
you would not know, would you?

Anyway, I think the next person is at least 18 years old

Teh_1337manTeh_1337man said

3 weeks ago | Post #1198

Next person haz YouTube account.

If so, I guess he have at least 10 subscriptions[channels the youtuber subscribed]

Joebo Lakerunner20Joebo Lakerunner20 said

3 weeks ago | Post #1199
i tried to get one.

i thinkz the next person has a bad internet

xX Death Bunny xXxX Death Bunny xX said

5 days ago | Post #1200
nope i'm guessing the person below me likes chocolate.

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