fifa bets

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berk7berk7 said

3 months ago | Post #1
uruguay winner

usa winner

netherlands winner

brazil winner
chile (good team i wish it was in querter finals :()

argentina winner

germany winner

japan winner

spain winner

malchickmalchick said

3 months ago | Post #2
Spain will beat portugal in my opinion,
Portugal drew with Brazil.. thats saying something. I want spain to win.

Germany and England will be pretty even if we play and SCORE MORE like the last match, the german side is quite a young side.

the rest I don't really care about.
Last edited 2 months ago

RamiosiRamiosi said

3 months ago | Post #3

RamiosiRamiosi said

3 months ago | Post #4

Oh really . said

3 months ago | Post #5
Ghana FTW ! :D

JiggmenJiggmen said

3 months ago | Post #6
Post #7 deleted
Post #8 deleted

berk7berk7 said

3 months ago | Post #9
ghana won -.-
Post #10 deleted

berk7berk7 said

3 months ago | Post #11
germany win as i said...
germany will face argentina because argentina will win

RamiosiRamiosi said

3 months ago | Post #12
Brazil win Chile Spain win Portugal Argentina win Germany (In Penalties)Nerderlanda win Slovakia Ghana win Uruguay and Paraguay win Japan.

Oh really . said

3 months ago | Post #13
Ghana will be the champion.
That's all.

berk7berk7 said

3 months ago | Post #14
Ramiosi i dont agree germany will win argentina easily argentinas defence sucks

brazil or germany will be champion trust meh Oh really.

RamiosiRamiosi said

2 months ago | Post #15
OK The winner of Germany vs. Spain will win the World Cup.GO DUETSCHLAND

berk7berk7 said

2 months ago | Post #16
haha you said to me that you support spain >.>

malchickmalchick said

2 months ago | Post #17
berk7 secretly works for fifa >.<

Oh really . said

2 months ago | Post #18
The favourite one to win the cup was Ghana... but considering that Uruguay has beaten them, I presume that Uruguay has practically the tile in hand.

Final :
Uruguay 6 x 1 Germany.

/that's all.

Vancouver 2010Vancouver 2010 said

2 months ago | Post #19
All of you foooooollllsss :D!
Eery1 knows that Netherland will win the world cup ! :)
Netherland 3 !
Uruguay 0 ;D!

And what do you think of that Suarez only been 1 match suspended for playing "handball" and saving a goal for Uruguay ? I think he should bee suspended at least 2 matches !!!

FIFA is a tragedy....

berk7berk7 said

2 months ago | Post #20
no germany will win netherlans wont win
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