How Long Have You Been On Nonoba?

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yuto987yuto987 said

5 weeks ago | Post #1
Me?, about 1 year and a half. This is just an account i made 3 months ago. But how long have you been on Nonoba?

aesia111aesia111 said

5 weeks ago | Post #2
about 2 yrs. but the same with me i had to make a new account
Post #3 by darcie_26 has a score of -4. show

darcie_26darcie_26 said

5 weeks ago | Post #3
Isn't this thread pointless? It says it at the top of your profiles.
Post #4 deleted

jonny77jonny77 said

5 weeks ago | Post #5
26 months right here
Post #6 by Santo Lee has a score of -3. show

Santo LeeSanto Lee said

5 weeks ago | Post #6
Longer than jsheppard, thats for sure...

unless he had a user before jsheppard

jonny77jonny77 said

5 weeks ago | Post #7
santo lee ur only 8months and jshep is 28months lol

Santo LeeSanto Lee said

5 weeks ago | Post #8 | in reply to #7
Yeah, but my first account was noku345, which Chris won't revive ;L... I think that is 30 months ago ;L

jonny77jonny77 said

5 weeks ago | Post #9
Post #10 deleted

metal overlordmetal overlord said

5 weeks ago | Post #11
32 Months and counting.

yuto987yuto987 said

5 weeks ago | Post #12
Well Darcie alot of people make new accounts.

jonny77jonny77 said

5 weeks ago | Post #13
well either way oliver is 1st chris is second henrik is 3rd and so on lol

Super Mario GalaxySuper Mario Galaxy said

5 weeks ago | Post #14
22 Mins

Jayson_Jayson_ said

5 weeks ago | Post #15
Almost 30 months. I deleted my original profile.


Vancouver 2010Vancouver 2010 said

5 weeks ago | Post #16
Sence the summer 2008 =))))

GawjussGawjuss said

5 weeks ago | Post #17
22 months on my old account

foolish cucumberfoolish cucumber said

5 weeks ago | Post #18
28 months

Joebo Lakerunner20Joebo Lakerunner20 said

4 weeks ago | Post #19
10 months

lop234lop234 said

4 weeks ago | Post #20
i will obey you master
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