1000 Friends

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Post #1 by jonny77 has a score of -2. show

jonny77jonny77 said

2 months ago | Post #1
I just wanted too know who on nonoba has over 1000 friends.
This is my list so far (in order):
-... samiha ...
Please post if you have over 1000 friends or know someone with over 1000 friends please let me know so i can add them to the list.

People that are close (over 900 friends):
-natalia carla
-*Dark Shadow *
Last edited yesterday
Post #2 by Metaloid has a score of -5. show

MetaloidMetaloid (online) said

2 months ago | Post #2

jonny77jonny77 said

2 months ago | Post #3
thanks metaloid

jonny77jonny77 said

2 months ago | Post #4
anyone else got 1000 friends
Post #5 by Santo Lee has a score of -3. show

Santo LeeSanto Lee said

2 months ago | Post #5 | in reply to #4
Have you tried looking at the people that add anyone and everyone?

jonny77jonny77 said

2 months ago | Post #6
yes and not many people have over 1000 friends im currently at like 988 so im getting there lol
Post #7 by Santo Lee has a score of -3. show

Santo LeeSanto Lee said

2 months ago | Post #7 | in reply to #6
Well, lucky you :P

Obvious TrollObvious Troll said

2 months ago | Post #8
Having 1000+ friends doesn't mean anything other than the fact that you add a bunch of people you don't know.

Have a read, it might clarify what the definition of a friend is, and I doubt that anyone with over 1000 friends here shares these qualities with everyone in their 1000+ friends.

Su-yeonSu-yeon said

2 months ago | Post #9
I thought friends weren't real. .-.

mirza11234657mirza11234657 said

2 months ago | Post #10
i need more friends :P
Post #11 by Toby has a score of -2. show

TobyToby said

2 months ago | Post #11 | in reply to #8
This handsome she-troll speaks the truth.
Post #12 deleted
Post #13 by Oscar has a score of -5. show

OscarOscar said

7 weeks ago | Post #13
Shut up, Toby.
I don't want to look at your doubles.

jonny77jonny77 said

7 weeks ago | Post #14
w00t got to 1000 friends

jonny77jonny77 said

2 weeks ago | Post #15
the list has been updated recently and is now in order

wonderwoman101wonderwoman101 (online here) said

2 weeks ago | Post #16
gawjuss does i think lol

jonny77jonny77 said

2 weeks ago | Post #17
gawjuss is currently 50 friends short of 1000

GawjussGawjuss (online) said

2 weeks ago | Post #18
Two more friend requests and I'll have 1000 friends(:
I wonder who my 1000th friend will be :D

jonny77jonny77 said

2 weeks ago | Post #19
wat i just looked at ur profile and u need 42 more lol

GawjussGawjuss (online) said

2 weeks ago | Post #20
Oops, I forgot the 4 in 42 xD

42 more :3
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