Your favorite person on Fridge Magnets!

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Vampire CharkVampire Chark said

9 months ago | Post #41
:O idk who to choose as my favourite person on magnets now waashout left!!



I vote StickleBricks

she also has awesome fashion sense ;D

sinishasinisha said

9 months ago | Post #42
SWEEEttyy is banned :(

Danika007 said

9 months ago | Post #43
she is?
when is she back?!
this so sucks!!

W.O.Wownz said

8 months ago | Post #44
i changin my fav ppl :o my fav ppl are: 1.dancingintherain 2.danika (:D) 3. allie 4.pat 5.samantha

W.O.Wownz said

8 months ago | Post #45
i changin my fav ppl :o my fav ppl are: 1.dancingintherain 2.danika (:D) 3. allie 4.pat 5.samantha

nhmnhm said

8 months ago | Post #46
where am i wownz

W.O.Wownz said

8 months ago | Post #47
ur on earth :D omg #1 on my luist i luv #2 i luv but she is datin another guyyyyy o m g so sd T_T

W.O.Wownz said

8 months ago | Post #48
ur on earth :D omg #1 on my luist i luv #2 i luv but she is datin another guyyyyy o m g so sd T_T

nhmnhm said

8 months ago | Post #49
where am i on ur favorites list

nhmnhm said

8 months ago | Post #50
where am i on ur favorites list

W.O.Wownz said

8 months ago | Post #51
ur # 999999999999999 XD lol :o ur #6

W.O.Wownz said

8 months ago | Post #52
ur # 999999999999999 XD lol :o ur #6

Dallas.Dallas. said

8 months ago | Post #53

Dry BowserDry Bowser said

8 months ago | Post #54
Idk. lol


8 months ago | Post #55
if you vote for me....
ill send all of you a year supply of skittles.
and thats a fact :)

Danika007 said

8 months ago | Post #56
mmmmmmmmm skittles
hmmmmmm tough
but i would have to say nhm
hes osm
he rox mi sox all the way across the room

SWEEEttyySWEEEttyy said

8 months ago | Post #57
wow! i just found this while looking for myself!! :D hehe i was bored :D favorite person iissss...........................................
...........ok dots are getting annnoying tehe my favorite person is igotstabbed2day!! :D
Post #58 deleted

Danika007 said

8 months ago | Post #59
if u type that ur ur fave person ur basically a loner becuz u have no friends or else you would choose one of them

W.O.Wownz said

8 months ago | Post #60
OMG ur so right :O :O shrugsssssssss lool! i choose danika as my fav she is #1 lol :D
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