The Zombie Destroyers

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Recon XRecon X said

7 months ago | Post #1
As you may know..its really hard to win the game.I am going to make a team everyday and see if you we win.The Game will be called,Ultimate Showdown

You must have passed lvl 16,15 or 14 to play
You must also have auto click
And you must not be able to shoot too fast and hit your own teammates or the result will be bad,on level 20
2000 coins are required.

I will be on at 8:00am or 9:00am to host the game.I may keep hosting until 2:00pm or 4:00pm..depends.

Also if your going to quit during the game do it on level 1-13 or 14 only.5 come in...and maybe 5 will come out.Its up to you.

Let the games begin.
Last edited 7 months ago

kevin towekevin towe said

7 months ago | Post #2
ok sure

Recon XRecon X said

7 months ago | Post #3
K 1 down 4 more
Last edited 7 months ago

KasualtyKasualty said

7 months ago | Post #4
Heh, I'm all the way up in the 100000. Good enough? >;D I got all upgrades and I always lose all teammates at level 20, I'd enjoy having a team who can last to 24. (Although I beat the game not too long ago) So, count me in~ Keep me posted on what's going on!

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #5
i am in

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #6
i am in

-Xtreme--Xtreme- said

7 months ago | Post #7
i got all upgrades and beated the game once.
7000 coins, lost 30,000 coins due to a glitch

a guy and me got up to level 18

Recon XRecon X said

7 months ago | Post #8
K great ill see you at the arena guys..lets test your skills.

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #9
so am i in itryed to bet it but it was a bad resulet

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #10
so am i in itryed to bet it but it was a bad resulet

Recon XRecon X said

7 months ago | Post #11
1st of all if you say your need to really say that your in and not lie.2nd if your not there whats the use?So you played with me right now and that means that your already on the team.

KasualtyKasualty said

7 months ago | Post #12
I think I missed it! My bad, I stay up late, and don't wake up very early, I am on around 2-4 AM/PM :D Try then like you said!

KasualtyKasualty said

7 months ago | Post #13
Also, I have a suggestion. Being a Leader (Recon), they always have like, second in command? To help them out you know. Should we have a battle? To see who can last the longest in a game. You don't have to join in, of course...just the other users wanting to join! It would be exciting~ But, it is just a suggestion. Tell me what you think later~

Recon XRecon X said

7 months ago | Post #14
That's a pretty good idea Kasualty.I've also had fun little games during the game.Most are a secret but we kinda have 1 min breaks if your doing something like a chore and more.I know thats not a long time but just tell us when you will be back but just stay in the game.And since you seem pretty good.I wanna test your skills for the 2nd in command you told me about.

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #15
me to right recon and kasualty that zombiefrountier game was very hared and how do you get money i have no more ammo it is verey hared

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #16
me to right recon and kasualty that zombiefrountier game was very hared and how do you get money i have no more ammo it is verey hared

Recon XRecon X said

7 months ago | Post #17
If you need ammo just ask.I'll save those little bullet things that pop on the field when you kill some zombie for you.The bullet things are ammo if you don't know

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #18
i no

rex4455rex4455 said

7 months ago | Post #19
i no

KasualtyKasualty said

7 months ago | Post #20
Mrawr~ (Related to Dead Frontier)- You must Loot---go around the city and find stuff---- and you must have back-up. Won't work if you're alone.

(Zombie Apocalipse) As for that, I've already informed you of my time...11:00 AM is when I get on, try to be on then. I'll show you my "skills" >:3
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