Request for New Features

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TitanthropTitanthrop said

4 months ago | Post #1
I'd like to see "Spectator Mode." This'd be great for restricted games which don't allow outside players but do allow people to watch.

LightBeamLightBeam said

4 months ago | Post #2
I'd like a feature where u can put the names of the players that are able to join the game you create. Like it should be a String value and the players should be separated by a comma.

hbalahbala said

4 months ago | Post #3
Spectator mode would be good, and when one of the players quit, one spectator could join.
But I think that's very hard for mefuzzy to programme it.

TitanthropTitanthrop said

4 months ago | Post #4
Bah, mefuzz can handle it.

TitanthropTitanthrop said

4 months ago | Post #5
What I would like to see, which was present in the original circa 1980s stand-up Tron arcade box, was the disappearance of light trails of players who got killed. It wouldn't disappear instantly, but would slowly disintegrate in reverse.

LightBeamLightBeam said

4 months ago | Post #6
yeah i played a version of tron which had this as an option. you can also choose to make them disappear instantly. but anyways, i never liked that option :P.

mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #7
re spectator mode. I'd like to do this very much, but then there might be less new games in circulation. I have a theory that when a board has been in play for a while, the chances of weird stuff happening increases (ghost lines, disconnections). If I could get things to be more stable, whether its me or Nonoba, then I'd implement this for sure.

re line disinegration upon death. It is unlikely I'll do this simply because we have such good painters and games would go on forever. Disintegration in reverse would be kind of cool to see though!

Inbred RedneckInbred Redneck said

3 months ago | Post #8
i wonder if u can make a component which is DL-able on the client side
this'll take some of the stress of the nonoba servers
just my 2 cents

mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #9
When you play fltron, you have already downloaded the client-side portion of the game which does most of the work. But maybe there's more I can do to make the system more efficient.

Even when there's lots of people playing, I can't imagine that fltron is that taxing to the Nonoba servers, but I need to inquire more about that.

Laggg-ston HughesLaggg-ston Hughes said

3 months ago | Post #10
hey mon
how bout ya program in method to allow use of number pad
me handz like dat much betta me mon
too much cramping make a unhappy rastafarian

Peace from Jamaica

Laggg-ston HughesLaggg-ston Hughes said

3 months ago | Post #11
what i mean is number pad for directions me mon
or maybe we can have option ta program our own keys mon
what u say?

Rastafarian Ninja RiderRastafarian Ninja Rider said

3 months ago | Post #12
Sounds like a good idea to me, "mon."

mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #13
You can also use WASD. Aren't the arrows next to the keypad. If you want to make your own keys, you can also do keyboard remapping

TitanthropTitanthrop said

3 months ago | Post #14
Here's something. how about leaving a one-pixel "wreckage pile" when a player crashes? If someone else bumps into this, he or she will be able to get all of that person's unspent turbos.

mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #15
This is a neat idea, something to consider when I get through the work list, such as dealing with lag. I won't lie, could be a while... but thanks for the idea.

TitanthropTitanthrop said

3 months ago | Post #16
Sounds good. Take your time. You're doing a great job. Perhaps the "wreckage site" could even "float" around. Then players would have to make the strategic decision of deciding whether to sacrifice real estate for a boost.

Rastafarian Ninja RiderRastafarian Ninja Rider said

3 months ago | Post #17
If ya' wantz ta play teamz right now, here be da skinny:
Post #18 deleted

MELOLOLMELOLOL (online here) said

2 months ago | Post #19
good idea ellsming :)
Last edited 2 months ago
Post #20 deleted
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