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TitanthropTitanthrop said

4 months ago | Post #1
I must have gotten docked about 18 match points today for some strange-ass lag errors. We would start playing, and then everyone's lightcycle would just keep coasting until infinity. I'd go ahead and commit suicide, but nothing would happen. Then I'd try typing in the text box. No response. With no other choice, I exit and the computer docks me -2 points 3 times in a row.

Shadow Wolf 23Shadow Wolf 23 said

4 months ago | Post #2
o sorry

Shadow Wolf 23Shadow Wolf 23 said

4 months ago | Post #3
same happened to me

Shadow Wolf 23Shadow Wolf 23 said

4 months ago | Post #4
on zombes!!!

mefuzzymefuzzy said

4 months ago | Post #5
How many times did the coasting thing happen?

I fixed a run-time error, it may or may not be related to the coasting thing though.

I don't think it would dock you points several times in a row. But sometimes it doesn't tally up points immediately and it comes in clumps.

TitanthropTitanthrop said

4 months ago | Post #6
The coasting thing happened in three separate matches for all the games. After I exited and then started a new game, the computer would say "your score is -2. your score is -02. your score is -2." And this happened 3x as well.

TitanthropTitanthrop said

4 months ago | Post #7
One more issue you are probably familiar with:

Some players, perhaps lagging ones, will create "pock marks" in lines that they have already established. These can be penetrated by all players.

I'm not necessarily against this, as long as all players have an opportunity to create random pock marks. But it seems limited only to certain players.

mefuzzymefuzzy said

4 months ago | Post #8
I've never been able to quite figure out what Nonoba was doing when its doing its scoring thing, but it might be going through the 3 different types of ranks, thus 3x.

Everybody does pockmarks since everybody lags at least a little bit. It's something I was going to fix, but people didn't seem to complain so I moved on. I'll keep an eye it... Thanks for the info.
Post #9 deleted

LightBeamLightBeam said

4 months ago | Post #10
Well.. when we get disconnected or leave a game. The next game we enter this negative scoring appears. It decreases from Match Points, Win-loss, and the weighted ranking, this is why u get -2 three times. I think this is an error, since it shouldn't decrease from your win-loss and certainly not from Match Points.
Last edited 4 months ago

LightBeamLightBeam said

4 months ago | Post #11
oh mefuzzy already explained this.. sorry i didn't see it.


3 months ago | Post #12
keeps on kicking me out of the games!!!

TitanthropTitanthrop said

3 months ago | Post #13
Yeah, when it gets busy I get kicked out even with a a solid hard line connection. This really puzzles me, as playing games like WOW pose no problem, but the Nonoba servers can't seem to handle even a tiny bit of bandwidth. What adds insult to injury is getting docked for an early exit penalty that was not my fault.

mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #14
Are you saying when there's lots of gameboards going on, the amount of disconnections increases? That's kind of bad...

I might need a little help here. If you're disconnected, please try to go back into that game and ask people what the voice said if anything. If the voice didn't say anything, I don't really have an explanation why you're being disconnected.

If you can give any details right before you were kicked out, that might help a bit.


TitanthropTitanthrop said

3 months ago | Post #15
It does seem that way. Usually I have no probs when there are just 3-4 games going on. I do hear the "early exit penalty."

mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #16
GodisDead wrote:

... I've just played a game (I joined, played until someone win, and the next game started) but the animations of my points (the bar with four points) didn't show the correct result. In fact it seemed to show the result backwards - I had four turned on lights at the beginning and when I won the first round the first light turned OFF (impression was - the turned off lights are the points...). At the second round another strange things happened - my score RESET. I had to win five rounds (including the strange first one) to win the game, but the animations after the reset was as it was suppose to be.
Moreover sometimes your game throws a flash window with a lot of stack trace, so i presume some unmanaged exception was thrown. I will send you a screen shot of this next time.


mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #17
The wrong score problem has so far eluded me. I think I may have to take a more heavy-handed approach to fix it.

The game makes an error window pop up? Wow, that is new. Please do send the screen shot.

mefuzzymefuzzy said

3 months ago | Post #18
I'm going to try to do something that will make the game a little less eager about disconnections. But if it truly does get worse with more players, than that does sound like a Nonoba server problem.

So we'll see. Thanks for the info.

TitanthropTitanthrop said

3 months ago | Post #19
Mefuzz, I've had the Godisdead prob as well. One time I had to win 6 times before the computer would quit. Then my score didn't update and we were simply thrown into a fresh game.

BuildAndPwnBuildAndPwn said

3 months ago | Post #20
1. lots of diconnections.

2. people pass through other people's lines, they dunt die, but we die. i think its lag.

try to fix please thx :D great game btw.
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