Can't find numbers!

catcat123catcat123 said

7 weeks ago | Post #1
I can't even get past the first level. No idea where 11, 7, and 13 are. Help please <:(
Post #2 deleted

hawkfrost 938hawkfrost 938 said

4 weeks ago | Post #3

catcat123catcat123 said

4 weeks ago | Post #4
Where are they?

catcat123catcat123 said

4 weeks ago | Post #5
Oh, duh, I just found them accidentally. But now I can't find 11, 13, and 3! Seriously, /I don't know where to look. /

dragonfire1dragonfire1 said

2 weeks ago | Post #6
level 2 number 2 is so hard

JammyBoy67JammyBoy67 said

2 weeks ago | Post #7
plz help. i cant find 3 on level 1

catcat123catcat123 said

6 days ago | Post #8
Okay, I found most of them, but 11 and 13 are still mysteries to me. I've given a full-detail description of where every other number is, though:

1 (white): far right, under chains
2 (vivid blue): on the white part of the ship, to the right
3 (white): hidden as "B" in "BEE SHIP" printed on side of ship on left side
4 (red): disguised as wood, beside green bottle on platform
5 (white): looks disfigured, underneath 'two' on right side of picture
6 (dark blue): bottom of picture, directly below 'four'
7 (white): looks like metal, on white part of ship, hidden above "P" of "BEE SHIP"
8 (white): disguised as circle on side of ship, middle of picture
9 (red): inside nearest red tower on top of ship
10 (blue-green): white part of ship, on small boxes, the the left and above of 'eight'
12 (gray): far left on cement block which is on platform
14 (black): standing upright in front of fourth metal pole on platform
15 (red): on top of ship, far on the right, to right of 'nine'
16 (vivid blue): directly above 'eight'
17 (red): top of picture, a little to left, standing on top of colorful ballon at front of ship
18 (white): Little to right of third pole, on decorative orange block on platform
19 (pink): to right of 'four' on white and polka dotted black box
20 (white): far left, under 'three' and to right of 'twelve'
21 (blue): under 'one' on far right, on back of coil of rope
22 (white): above 'twenty-one' and 'one', far right, on side of ship
23 (brown): underneath 21 on back of very large decorative goblet (cup)
24 (very light blue): hidden as peice of sky in far left above 'twelve'
25 (gold/yellow): top and middle of page, on farthet red tower on ship, above 'sixteen'

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