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some of games with achievement
some games are almost impossible cant get the achievement gain xp because it doesnt work :/Score is 1
comments (3) »bug, 3 weeks ago

anythin from everythin
1st guest should be banable(even if changin names anyhow by same way games save)example:
(name not invented)
jordie killed him serveral times but he came back always
2nd y is the game of day for weeks "unevolve"
3rd: bug if u write somethin 4 times it says "this is the 4th blablabla
but if u write serveral times any letter by holdin button its not locked!!!(i tried it)Score is -10
comments (7) »bug, 3 weeks ago

bug on all games
my keyboards seems to stop responding during any game on this site and this site only and its really annoying, makes me suck at every gameScore is -6
comments (5) »bug, 5 weeks ago

Error paying for coins via Zong
I followed the steps, recieved the message but when I replied it did nothing! (I wasn't charged fortunatly)Score is 1
Post commentbug, 2 months ago

When i play a game i get an achievement but when i go to my home my xp that i have got was disappear n I have waited for 2 days but i haven't got it back.Please fix this.Score is -9
comments (4) »bug, 2 months ago

Another directory insue
We need a new directory for games too, they are at same diretory as profile things, like comments,friends,achievements...It isn't a big problem, but can be fixed..
Something like is 9
Post commentbug, 3 months ago

Ads Fail
There's one banned at games section top, who don't works..If you click there, don't do anything, so.. lol is 8
comments (3) »bug, 3 months ago

Fix profile spam
This is one of the oldest bugs on Nonoba, if you type in a message on someone's profile and use an AutoClicker on the Post Comment button, it makes duplicates. You fixed this on the forum by putting in a time limit, so how about you put a 5 second time limit in between profile posts, So it doesn't prevent someone from posting on profiles but is long enough to stop them from pressing the button multiple times.ಠ_ಠScore is 8
comments (1) »bug, 4 months ago

Best Rated Games
For some reason when I go to the games tab and use the search i dont use any tags or anything i just search best rated of all time. But when i do that there are 3 games on the front page that have really low ranking.Score is 11
comments (8) »bug, 4 months ago

Admin's topic in search
I think it's a bug, if you search something in search we can found admin's topics... We can't read then, but can see the title and see what they are talking about.Score is -1
Post commentbug, 4 months ago

tó aqui carrapato vamos jogar uma sinca
tó aqui carrapato vamos jogarScore is -6
Post commentbug, 6 months ago

Profile Text: HTML Codes
This has really been bothering me. I have been trying to put a HTML code into my profile text, but the box just comes up blank. I am relitively sure I am doing everything right, please fix this problem so I can start Rick Rolling by the hundreds.Also I am very sorry if it is something I'm doing wrong, I know this isn't the place for help with this site. And while I'm on that topic, it would be nice if there was a place that people can get help, or at least one more clearly shown.Score is 0
comments (4) »bug, 7 months ago

whenever you get XP from a game but then move to a different page the XP that you just gained disappears. its been happening to me since i joined the siteScore is 3
comments (3) »bug, 8 months ago

Olá bom dia!Gostaria de saber se o nonoba está passando por algum tipo de reformulação, pois, não consigo acessá-lo d nenhum computador.
Ele custa uma eternidade pra conectar ao servidor do jogo.
Grato pela compreensão e no aguardo da resposta e da solução desse problema.Score is -11
Post commentbug, 8 months ago

i submitted my feedback n when i search it says u haven't submitted a feedbackScore is -4
comments (1) »bug, 8 months ago

Favorete games buttons
Sometimes, i can't use my favorete games icons to play my games. Also, i can't always navigate to the achivements tab to see what i need to do in order to get the achivements. for those of you reading this, you CAN bypass the favorete game bug by right clicking and selecting open link, but not the achivement one!Score is -5
comments (1) »bug, a long time ago

zero arena
i have my nonoba account and im lvl 142 on zero arena but its telling me im in a game and wont let me join. if yall could help out that would be awesome.Score is -6
comments (2) »bug, a long time ago

my account got broken
my account just got broken (Deaths Shadow) and it wont let me chat or do anythingScore is -7
comments (3) »bug, a long time ago

Auto Refreshing?
Whenever I scroll down or up on a page, it's keeps on refreshing by itself and it keeps on flashing.And whenever I play a game, the page refreshes by itself and I'll have to wait for the game to load again.It's really annoying. Did this also happen to you?Score is -4
comments (4) »bug, a long time ago