
Comment by Cirnoo is hidden because it has a score of -3. Click here to show

CirnooCirnoo said

Posted a long time ago

You'll never have a cubicle in an office, let alone a job other than working side-by-side with Tatari at McDonalds.

Comment deleted

TobyToby said

Posted a long time ago

I think the whole point is now that you go to the chat page if you want to chat and the game page if you want to play. (Hence why there is no change room dialogue in the game page).

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

Posted 8 months ago

Toby what if I want to do both?

TobyToby said

Posted 8 months ago

ThenUGoHungryBoy. :D

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

Posted 8 months ago

That's not a very good follow up.

38 Mario Pk38 Mario Pk said

Posted a long time ago

nonoba made a chat yay

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

Posted 8 months ago

there has been a chat before the makeover

FluffFluff said

Posted a long time ago

Seriously, I don't see a good reason to reduce the size of the previous chat box. Most of the space is being flat-out wasted with the name and icon for the game. The number of plays and overall rating don't really warrant that prominent position of screen real estate either. All of that information could be comfortably moved to the 'About the game' tab. That'd only leave the new tab bar with "Top Games" and "Chat".

jsheppardjsheppard (online) said

Posted 8 months ago


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