Recent activity

Checkout what born2war1 has been up to lately


Posted: January 2

born2war1 got a score of 26 500 in the game Comboll
CombollCombollA Normal mode from:
born2war1 got the achievement Combo Novice
Combo NoviceCombo Novice

Get a combo of 10from Comboll

born2war1 got a score of 3 510 in the game HAMNSTER

Posted: December 30

born2war1 got a score of T{{0} seconds} in the game Nonoba Racer
Nonoba RacerNonoba RacerA T{Lap time Copenhagen} from:
Nonoba Racer

Posted: December 29

born2war1 got the achievement Level 2
Level 2Level 2

Get to level 2from Zero Arena

born2war1 got a score of T{{0} seconds} in the game Nonoba Racer
Nonoba RacerNonoba RacerA T{Lap time Copenhagen} from:
Nonoba Racer
born2war1 got the achievement Rite of initiation
Rite of initiationRite of initiation

Get your first killfrom Sneaky Tanks

Posted: December 28

born2war1 got a score of T{{0} seconds} in the game Nonoba Racer
Nonoba RacerNonoba RacerA T{Lap time Copenhagen} from:
Nonoba Racer

Posted: November 22

born2war1 got a score of 34 100 in the game Monoliths Mario World 3
born2war1 got the achievement Combo Kill
Combo KillCombo Kill

Kill 40 enemies in a row, without dying!from Monoliths Mario World 3

born2war1 got a score of 22 350 in the game Monoliths Mario World 3
born2war1 got the achievement Complete Tutorial
Complete TutorialComplete Tutorial

Play through the tutorial!from Monoliths Mario World 3

born2war1 got a score of 2 864 in the game Multiplayer Memory Mayhem
born2war1 got the achievement Farmyard combo
Farmyard comboFarmyard combo

Collect the pig, chicken and bullfrom Multiplayer Memory Mayhem

born2war1 got the achievement Win 1 game
Win 1 gameWin 1 game

Win 1 game against at least one other personfrom Multiplayer Memory Mayhem

born2war1 got the achievement Full Power
Full PowerFull Power

Collect all power cards in one gamefrom Multiplayer Memory Mayhem

born2war1 got the achievement Asian Safari
Asian SafariAsian Safari

Collect the monkey, tiger and pandafrom Multiplayer Memory Mayhem

born2war1 got the achievement African Safari
African SafariAfrican Safari

Collect the lion, hippo and elephantfrom Multiplayer Memory Mayhem

born2war1 got a score of 49 in the game Starland Multiplayer TD
born2war1 got a score of T{{0} seconds} in the game Nonoba Racer
Nonoba RacerNonoba RacerA T{Lap time Copenhagen} from:
Nonoba Racer