TOURNAMENTS: These were competitions some of the players have formed. Many thanks to the organizers their efforts.

BB's 2v2 Tournament
2011 Nov | Mini Grid – 2 vs 2

Organizer: Ze Doctor
Finalists: Ze Doctor & LiquorInTheFrontPokerInTheRear,
              CiNZAN0 & Soup134
Champions: CiNZAN0 & Soup134

Invite Only 1v1 Tournament
2011 Aug | Mini Grid – 1 vs 1

Organizers: Ze Doctor, Bornsatin
Finalists: Solitary, stupidd
Champion: Solitary

Four Player Tournament
2011 Aug | Mini Grid – 4 Player Free-for-All

Organizer: Bornsatin
Finalists: Solitary, Burnt.Toast, Ze Doctor, Sincy
Champion: Ze Doctor

Sming's Super Team League
2011 Aug | Any Grid – Team Battle

Organizer: ~Ellsming~
Team Captains: Blondemoments, LightBeam, Freddie Mercury
Winner: Team Blondie
Most Wins: Soup134

FFA tournament by hbala
2011 Jun | Mini Grid – 4 Player Free-for-All

Organizer: hbala
Finalists: Fail.Power.Ranger, LightBeam, SDA -, Ze Doctor
Champion: Ze Doctor

Smingaling's Ultimate 1v1 Tournament
2011 May | Mini Grid – 1 vs 1

Organizers: ~Ellsming~ & LightBeam
Finalists: SDA, fastliner
Champion: fastliner

First 2v2 Day Tournament
2011 Apr | Mini Grid – 2 vs 2

Organizer: LightBeam
Finalists: SvictorS & JustCurly, SDA & Ze Doctor
Champions: SvictorS & JustCurly

1-on-1 Int. Federation Tournament
2010 Sep-Oct | Mini Grid – 1 vs 1

Organizer: Team CANADA
Finalists: ~Ellsming~, gertrude
Champion: ~Ellsming~

1-on-1 Knockout Tournament II
2010 Jun-Jul | Mini Grid – 1 vs 1

Organizer: LightBeam
Finalists: ~Ellsming~, twinnylovestwinny
Champion: twinnylovestwinny
» See Tournament Draw

FFA Mini Tournament
2010 May | Mini Grid � 4 Player Free-for-All

Organizer: hbala
Finalists: ~Ellsming~, LightBeam, OlgerO, twinnylovestwinny
Champion: twinnylovestwinny

Orange vs Blue Tournament
2010 Apr | Any Grid – Team Battle

Team Captains: Ellsming (Orange), LightBeam (Blue)
Winner: Team Blue
Highest Win Percentage: twinnylovestwinny
Most Wins: Brandy918

Team Tournament
2009 Feb | Mini Grid – 2 vs 2

Organizer: ~Ellsming~
Finalists: Brandy918, ~Ellsming~, hbala, twinnylovestwinny
Champion: twinnylovestwinny

1-on-1 Knockout Tournament
2009 Dec | Mini Grid – 1 vs 1

Organizer: LightBeam
Finalists: LightBeam, twinnylovestwinny
Champion: LightBeam

1st Team Championship
2009 Dec | Standard Grid – 2 vs 2

Organizer: ~Ellsming~
Finalists: Olympus' Wrath (LightBeam & Titanthrop) vs
               Team toutsming (~Ellsming~ & toutinette)
Champion: Team toutsming

2nd Fltron Championship
2009 Nov | Standard Grid – 4 Player Free-for-All

Organizer: hbala
Finalists: Ellsming, hbala, LightBeam, Titanthrop
Champion: LightBeam

1st Fltron Championship
2009 Oct | Standard Grid – 4 Player Free-for-All

Organizer: LightBeam
Finalists: hbala, LightBeam, Titanthrop, TRONGOD
Champion: hbala

  SPECIAL EVENTS: These were competitions where rank stats were recorded for a limited time when special modes were released.

1st Blackout Weekend W-L Rank
2011 Apr 22 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) Bønnie Parker.
2) Awesomepointninja
3) Arab In The Dark
» See top 10

1st Super Sonic Sunday W-L Rank
2011 Jan 23 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) Masked
2) SaNgRe18
3) MarsAttacks
» See top 30

Legacy Week W-L Rank
2010 Dec 17 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) program_mav
2) doublebackflip
3) L0sfer4.0
» See top 30

3rd Micro Monday W-L Rank
2011 Mar 07 | Micro Grid – Free-for-All

1) Brandy918
2) Fedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
3) joaomonteiro10
» See top 20

2nd Micro Monday W-L Rank
2010 Dec 06 | Micro Grid – Free-for-All

1) Bønnie Parker.
2) SaNgRe18
3) Brandy918
» See top 10

1st Micro Monday W-L Rank
2010 Aug 30 | Micro Grid – Free-for-All

1) Brandy918
1) DancingInFire
1) obesebumfluff
» See top 10

1st Turbo Weekend W-L Rank
2011 Mar 25 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) guest - 7
2) BobMorane
3) CeReBRaL MuRDeReR
» See top 20

3rd Turtl3 Turbo Tuesday W-L Rank
2010 Aug 03 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) DancingInFire
2) Styre
3) gertrude
» See top 20

2nd Turtl3 Turbo Tuesday W-L Rank
2010 May 25 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) hbala
2) Veronica Sawyer
3) LightBeam
» See top 20

1st Turtl3 Turbo Tuesday W-L Rank
2010 Feb 2 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) Brandy918
2) VeronicaSawyer
3) FastTron
» See top 30

3rd Team Play Shindig
2010 Oct 24 | Any Grid – Teamplay

1) Ellsming
2) Brandy918
3) fastliner
» See top 20

2nd Team Play Shindig
2010 Jun | Any Grid – Teamplay

Highest Win Percentage: twinnylovestwinny
Most Wins: LightBeam
» See top 30

1st Team Play Shindig
2009 Nov 13-16 | Standard Grid – 2 vs 2

1) hivow
2) Brandy918
3) Miltank
» See top 30
  GENERAL RANKS: Most rank lists were recorded for a few months then reset. The All-time lists ran for a couple years.

All-time W-L Rank
2008 Sep - 2011 Oct | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) SaNgRe18
2) Laninha21
3) Brandy918
» See top 50

All-time Match Wins
2008 Sep - 2011 Oct | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) SaNgRe18
2) Brandy918
3) Laninha21
» See top 50

Weighted Rank
2010 Dec - 2011 Jan | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) SaNgRe18
2) gertrude
3) Sincerely
» See top 30

Weighted Rank <180 Ping
2010 Sep-Dec | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) CompulsiveEater
2) AK-2
3) Pretty Kitty Kat
» See top 30

Weighted Rank >180 Ping
2010 Sep-Dec | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) Laninha21
2) SaNgRe18
3) Tony_Montana_
» See top 30

3rd 1000 pt Weighted Rank
2010 Sep-Nov | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) obesebumfluff
2) Sincerely
3) Guest*666
» See top 30

2nd 1000 pt Weighted Rank
2010 Jul-Aug | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) SaNgRe18
2) twinnylovestwinny
3) gertrude
» See top 30

1st 1000 pt Weighted Rank
2010 May-Jun | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) SaNgRe18
2) Summerr
3) twinnylovestwinny
» See top 30

3rd Weighted Rank
2010 Jan - Apr | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) twinnylovestwinny
2) FarmerJack
3) DemiDex
» See top 30

2nd Weighted Rank
2009 Dec 1-31 | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) Ladder
2) FastTron
3) Brandy918
» See top 30

1st Weighted Rank
2009 Sep - Dec | Any Grid – Free-for-All

1) real_so
2) LightBeam
3) twinnylovestwinny
» See top 30

ACHIEVEMENTS: Players could earn achievements during normal play. The amount of times achievements were won was recorded.

Top Player

Pretty Kitty Kat
Sr Simpathy
Sr Simpathy
Beat Top 20 Player
Flawless Victory
10 Match Wins (FFA)
5 Match wins (FFA)
3 Match wins (FFA)
10 Match Wins (Team)
5 Match Wins (Team)
3 Match Wins (Team)

» See top 10 in each category